The State Bank of India (SBI) has recently announced a recruitment drive for Special Cadre Officers across various positions. This recruitment aims to fill 174 vacancies for roles such as Head (Corporate Communication and Marketing), Senior Vice President (Infrastructure Security and Special Projects), Trade Finance Officer, Defence Banking Advisor (Air Force), Climate Risk Specialist, Market Risk Specialist, and Research Analysts.
Candidates will be selected through an interview process, with the selected individuals being stationed in locations like Mumbai, New Delhi, Navi Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, and Kolkata. The selected candidates on a contract basis will be appointed for up to 4 years.
Applicants must pay an application fee of Rs. 750, except for SC/ST/PwBD candidates who are exempt. The application process is online and is open from June 7, 2024. The deadline to submit applications is June 27, 2024.
For further details and to apply, candidates can visit the official website of SBI.
✍️1. What is the selection process for the SBI Recruitment 2024?✍️
– Candidates will be selected based on an interview process.
✍️2. What are the locations where the selected candidates will be stationed?✍️
– The selected candidates will be stationed in various locations including Mumbai, New Delhi, Navi Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, and Kolkata.
✍️3. Is there an application fee for applying to the SBI Recruitment 2024?✍️
– Yes, candidates are required to pay an application fee of Rs. 750. However, SC/ST/PwBD candidates are exempt from this fee.
✍️4. What is the duration of the contract for selected candidates?✍️
– The selected candidates on a contract basis will be appointed for a period of up to 4 years.
SBI’s recruitment drive for Special Cadre Officers presents a great opportunity for candidates looking to join the banking sector in various specialized roles. Interested and eligible individuals are encouraged to apply online before the deadline and prepare for the interview process to potentially secure a position with the State Bank of India.
Stay updated with the latest recruitment news and government job opportunities to further your career prospects.